The stage was set...Literally! PA system in place, Braddicks Leisure truck was filled with FREE complimentary drinks in an ice filled paddling pool, Chanel 5 TV crew were down with local press too, singers ready to set the party spirit, sunshine was out plus it was 16 degrees in February...Everything was set up for the Grand opening of the Seafield "Twice as FREE" car park in Westward Ho! This isn't just a Car Park, it's THE Car Park, this wasn't just an opening, it was a brilliant afternoon that the community was brought together by Rob on his Birthday too!
It all kicked off at 2.30pm with Peter Sawyer from Westward Ho! Business Association welcoming everyone to the grand opening, a fair number of people turned out in the glorious Westward Ho! sunshine. We were treated to some amazing surf breaking in the background, it was a perfect day for it.
Rob took to the stage just before 3pm to make a speech...Before this, we got Terry Thorpe from Soul Intention to sing happy birthday while Robs three sisters presented a cake from one side, Harris presented a bunch of roses from the other, to the cheers of an adoring crowd. Rob does a lot for the village, people appreciate this, it really showed.
After a very funny speech (we expect no less from him now!) from Rob it was over to the gate...This is the most filmed entrance into any parking facility in the UK, if not the world! The ribbon was cut, the cheers were massive and the now twice as big plus still just as free car park was officially opened. The whole proceedings were being filmed for Chanel 5's Parking Hell, AGAIN, Westward Ho! is going to be featured as the shining knight of the UK parking wars..Westward Ho! is on the map for all the right reasons.
The party continued into the evening with Chris Stuckey on the stage busting out some songs. They were good and really played to the crowd, was it the music or the free Prosseco/Beer? A combination of the both I think! A brilliant way to spend the afternoon in village.
No trouble, no mess, no silly drunks but instead a wonderful atmosphere of respect and mutual admiration. This is what happens when a business man isn't greedy, does give back to the community that supports all he does. It's a perfect balance of give and take and for that Mr Robert Braddick we all salute you and are lucky to have you in Westward Ho!
Photos from the also amazing Alex Hall of Golden Bay Holiday park, he is lead for Westward Ho! Business Association media team and does a stunning job of it.