The event was the brain child of Westward Ho! resident Andrew Cross, owner of Refuse and Re Use, with Plastic Free Torridge onboard too. With the technical help from Westward Ho! Business Association and Peter Sawyer, the 4m x 2m cinema screen, HD projector and PA system was used at the Pier House Bay Suite. It was soon turned into a welcoming cinema! At this point, again, we need to say thank you to Torridge District Council for seeing that our £10,000 New Homes bonus scheme grant application was a worthy investment. With the event equipment we purchased, it allows us to host events like this easily that benefit lots of people. Thank you TDC.
The first film was "Westward Ho! Rises Against Plastic". This again was Andrews concept and project. It was mainly to highlight how a community can come together and all do their bit to help the planet, not through protesting or bully tactics but through education, dedication and small simple changes. The film was based around the first Plastic Free Festive Fayre that was held in December 2018. The work and effort that is being put in, physically shows when you come to visit Westward Ho!, it's looked after, people have pride in their village and beach. The whole film had been shot and put together by local film maker Shannon Lavis (pictured above). Shannon runs North Devon Videography, she is an inspirational, wonderful, driven person and Westward Ho! is lucky to have her living here.
Watch out for the full film, here is a trailer-
Who hasn't heard of Cal Major? You will! She paddled a Stand Up Paddle board (SUP) from Lands end to John O'Groats. Even after getting stuck in a current on day 1 which took her offshore, then being helped by a local fisherman, who brought her back in, she bravely continued. Just under 1000 miles taking weeks to complete the journey. She was the FIRST person to do this.
It is an amazing accomplishment but it's all captured on film and beautifully shot. The film is Netfix quality and the story is just superb, you feel like you are there and really get a sense of the highs and lows of the trip. I sat there and watched 100 people riveted to the screen, hardly breathing, not moving. This was a pre release showing and the film had only been finished that day!
What a woman, what determination, what endurance, what an emotional struggle....Cal did a question and answer session after the film to her adoring audience. Gob smacked is all I can say, what an accomplishment and what a film.
See the trailer here and have a look at the rest of the pages too, Cal is pretty special...
What a brilliant night, what inspirational people plus what drive and passion to look after where we live (Mother Earth). I have never been a green warrior but it even makes me think a lot. If this whole thing was to make people reflect and make small steps in the right direction, as you can see an overwhelming problem, then it was right on the money. Wonderful evening with inspirational people.
Thank you to Peter Wormington of Moonshine Photography, you always capture the most amazing shots buddy, just stunning.