1. Name
1.1 The Association shall be known as the Westward Ho! and District Residents’ Association
2. Objectives
2.1 The objectives of the Association shall be to promote the interests of the residents and to maintain and improve their amenities and environment.
3. Membership
3.1 Membership shall be open to all permanent residents over the age of 18 years living in Westward Ho! and District as defined in paragraph 6.1 irrespective of nationality, race colour and political or religious belief.
3.2 It shall be a condition of membership that members, at all times, conduct themselves in a reasonable manner at meetings or in premises used by the Association. Any member may be excluded for a breach of this condition or any other contravening the objectives of the Association by a majority of those present and voting at any Committee or General Meeting.
3.3 The Committee may refuse membership to any person whose activities or behaviour it considers may be prejudicial to the objectives of the Association.
4. Subscriptions and Accounts
4.1 All members shall pay subscriptions as determined by the Annual General Meeting.
4.2 The financial year shall run from 1st September to 31st August.
4.3 The Accounts will be audited and presented for adoption at the Annual General Meeting which shall be held during the month of September.
5. Conduct of Business
5.1 The business of the Association shall be conducted by a Committee elected at each Annual General Meeting. The Committee will comprise of a Chairperson, Vice Chairperson, Treasurer, Secretary and not less than Five other members.
5.2 Extraordinary General Meetings may only be called by the Chairperson on written request from Four or more Committee members, Ten or more residents belonging to the Association or by agreement of a full Committee Meeting. Notice of such meetings shall be given shall be given at least Seven days in advance.
5.3 Committee Meetings cannot be held unless at least Five members are present and such meetings must be duly noted and minuted.
5.4 The Minutes of all Open Meetings will be signed by the Chairperson, kept on file by the Secretary and made available to any member of the Association for scrutiny or reference. Committee Meeting Minutes will be available at all Open Meetings, otherwise they will not be published.
5.5 If a Committee Member has not attended meetings for a continuous period of Six months without explanation then his or her absence shall be regarded as an offer of resignation.
5.6 The Committee may, by simple majority and as it feels necessary, co-opt one or more members of the Association to serve on the Committee. Persons so co-opted shall serve until the next Annual General Meetings when they may offer themselves for re-election.
5.7 The Committee may also, by simple majority, accept offers of assistance from members of the Association for periods mutually agreed between the parties.
6. Prescribed Area of Association
6.1 For purposes of membership (see paragraph 3.1) Westward Ho! and District shall include the village of Westward Ho! Buckleigh Road, Cornborough Road and associated thoroughfares and other such places in close proximity as agreed by the Committee.
7. Amendments to the Constitution
7.1 Any proposals to alter the Constitution must be submitted in writing to the Secretary of the Association not less than Twenty-Eight days before the Meeting at which they are to be discussed. Not less than Fourteen days’ Public Notice shall be given of such a Meeting, together with the wording of the proposed alteration(s). Any alterations shall require the approval of two-thirds of those full members present and voting.
8. Dissolution of the Association
8.1 The Committee, or if the Committee no longer exists, any Eight members may dissolve the Association by giving at least Fourteen days’ Public Notice to Members. The Association may be dissolved by a two-thirds’ majority of those present and voting.
8.2 The assets, financial and otherwise, remaining after all liabilities have been met, shall be donated to such local charities as the meeting decides.